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About Us

Making customers happy comes naturally to the Vadodara settled National Polymer Co. This is because of strict adherence to the customer-based business policy. We have been implementing guidelines of this aforesaid policy in our business since the year of inception in order to make customers' happiness not a forced but a natural business decision. Every individual working in the company; from business leader to production member and quality analyst is aware of our basic principle, which is to keep customers' happy. Hence, this knowledge in the company's culture creates a strong inclination towards quality work.

Responsibilities that come along with embracing of manufacturer and distributor are performed with sheer dedication. Everything from base material sourcing to building of strong business network, is done after deep analysis of current market trends. We share good equation with all of our business associates. This is because of equal treatment and sharing of information pertaining recent business developments.

Black M28RC Nylon 6 Gujlon, Grade E-15 Nylon 6 Gujlon, Grade E26 And E28 Nylon 6 Screw, etc., are strong part of our big product portfolio, which is widely appreciated for being matchless in quality. We leave zero space for errors in the execution work of production. This assists us to serve nothing below the best to esteemed clients.

A Trusted Name Since 1987

Our business journey is long, satisfactory and inspiring. Years back in 1987, we started from scratch having small capital and other resources. Quality work, production experimentation and customer-focused approach are three factors, which were strong reasons of our instant liking in the market. Today, after 37 years, we enjoy our transformation from a small company to this current giant business position. We take immense pleasure in introducing ourselves as a trusted name to buy Grade E-15 Nylon 6 Gujlon, Black M28RC Nylon 6 Gujlon, etc., because we keep quality in place. At our in-house quality testing unit, we closely examine quality of offered line in order to fulfill promise of serving the best.

What Makes Us An Ideal Company?
  • Our ability to keep business associates, employees and customers, a center of focus during formation of business policies and plans.
  • Completion of orders prior the date of delivery in order to leave great impression on clients.
  • Our effective marketing strategy that assists in publicizing brand in and across business location with perfection.
  • Idea of mutual trust, respect, loyalty and honesty in business.